5 Things To Keep In Your Car’s Emergency Kit

No matter how new or old your car may be, being prepared for winter weather or unexpected car trouble is critical. Unfortunately, too many drivers find themselves stranded for hours at a time, waiting for repair or roadside assistance in uncomfortable temperatures. Below are a few things that all emergency kits should have handy and stored in an emergency. 

1. Flashlights

Nothing is worse than being stranded beside a dark highway and not being able to see. Having a flashlight with extra batteries in your emergency kit is essential so that you can scan the area and be able to look under the hood of your car for trouble. 

2. Blankets and Gloves

To stay warm when your car does not turn on, you need to keep blankets and gives in your emergency kit. Keep enough for you and the passengers that you usually carry, if any at all. Being able to stay warm without a heater is important during an emergency.

3. Non-perishable Snacks

In case you are going to be stranded for a while, you need some non-perishable snacks that will help curb your thirst or hunger while you wait for help to come to you. Pack things like granola bars, bottled water, and jerky as food options. 

4. Jumper Cables

It is a good practice to keep a set of high-quality battery jumper cables in your car should your battery die. This will help you get enough battery juice from a good samaritan to help you get your engine started and get home to safety. 

5. Portable Air Compressor

If you start to get a flat tire out in the middle of nowhere, a portable air compressor allows you to temporarily put air in your tire, holding you over until you can get to safety to have it patched or replaced. 

If you require auto insurance in the Negaunee, MI area, give our agents at U.P. Insurance Agency Inc. a call today.

Why Commercial Insurance Is An Asset For Small Businesses In The Winter

U.P. Insurance Agency, Inc. assists the Negaunee, MI community by offering residents multiple insurance coverage types. We strive to help our clients find the policies that will prepare them for any situation. We use our status as an independent insurance agency to help our clients find custom policies.

Why Commercial Insurance Is An Asset During The Winter

As a small business owner in Negaunee, MI, you face many challenges daily. The threat of a potential liability issue is always on the horizon. That’s why it is important that you have protection. Commercial insurance will protect your business in the event of a potential liability issue. You will also be covered if your business is vandalized. As the weather starts to get colder, here are a few ways that commercial insurance is an asset to your business.

Higher Chance Of A Liability Issue

During the winter, the conditions normally include inclement weather. Due to both solid and melting snow, there is a chance that someone may slip and fall on your property. The policy will cover you if someone gets injured while visiting your business. Make sure that you shovel snow regularly and always put down salt. It would help if you also placed a wet floor sign at the front of your business.

Protects Your Equipment

Severe weather during the Winter has the ability to cause major damage. The policy will cover you if your equipment is damaged due to severe weather. You can amend your commercial insurance policy to include business interruption coverage if a power outage leaves you unable to operate your business. If you suffer a temporary power outage, make sure that you have a backup generator.

U.P. Insurance Agency, Inc. Will Help You Secure Your Business

For more information on commercial insurance, visit our website today!

Do I Still Need Home Insurance if I Don’t Have a Mortgage?

Most homeowners have home insurance primarily to protect their investment and all the hard work they’ve put into purchasing and maintaining their house. However, it is also true that most mortgage lenders require homeowners to carry home insurance coverage as part of the lending contract. So, if you don’t have a mortgage, do you actually NEED home insurance?

At U.P. Insurance Agency Inc. in Negaunee, MI, we see this question a lot. The short answer is, it depends.

If you’ve paid for your home in full and do not have a mortgage you’re paying off, there is generally no legal requirement in the state of Michigan for you to carry home insurance. That said, if you live in a gated community or another kind of private neighborhood, you may be required to have insurance as per your HOA or community association to keep your individual property protected. Likewise, if you own a condo, your condo association may ask that you carry insurance (though it should be noted that condo insurance is a separate kind of coverage from homeowners’ insurance). 

If none of that applies and you’re still not sure if you need home insurance, it’s worth considering what you’ll do in the event of an unexpected damaging event. If you end up losing a lot in a disaster, theft, or accident, are you able to pay for the damages out of your own pocket? The truth is that it can be practically impossible to predict just how much a damaging event could cost you. Having a good home insurance policy ensures that you won’t be held responsible for paying everything out of your own personal finances. 

Have questions about home insurance and whether it’s the right choice for you? Our experienced agents at U.P. Insurance Agency Inc. in Negaunee, MI are local homeowners too and are ready to help. Please shoot us a message or give us a call today to get in touch!